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A message from our new commodore

Dear Friends

Firstly, I would like to say I feel extremely honoured to be voted in as the new Club Commodore for 2018 and to say a big thank you for all your support.

We have had another successful year of cruising and social events at TWYC and Andy and I are very much looking forward to next year. I attach a shortened version of the programme for you to peruse over Christmas and New Year (the full printed version will be posted out in the New Year)

On 27th January we have a Members Social evening which will include information on cruises, Banksides and functions for 2018. No need to book just come along for drinks/nibbles and learn more about the events going on. Further details will be published in the New Year

The club is a great place to socialise and the first bar duty of the year is mine, (5-7th Jan) so come along and have a New Year’s drink - why not take the opportunity to practice for the pool and darts competition later in the year. There will be bar snacks on Sunday so pop along for a roast potato or two!!

Your Vice Commodore, Robin, is on bar duty on 12 - 14th January and has arranged a dance instructor for the night of the 13th January, so come along and put those dance moves into action. Strictly come dancing TWYC style!! More details to follow

3rd February sees the return of Burns Night, (the Haggis not seen in these parts for a few years now). The evening consists of a Traditional Burns Night with 3 course dinner, (an alternative to Haggis will be available) and lots of Whisky!! Booking for this event will be published shortly

Many thanks again for your support and looking forward to seeing many of you at the New Year’s Eve Party

Andy & I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Kind regards



The Windsor Yacht Club

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